Like many other villages, Kaltbrunn is characterised by a heterogeneous, disparate settlement pattern and the linear expansion of the village centre along two development axes. We believe that the linear placement of the buildings and the proposed courtyard typology offer an opportunity to develop the village centre inwardly and, at the same time, to preserve the linear structure of the ribbon-built village. We regard the much-criticised heterogeneity of settlement structures in agglomeration communities as a potential. Our aim is not to create harmony and uniformity with a large-scale building, but to transform the unmediated small-scale juxtaposition of three different building types into a high-contrast coexistence. The surrounding street spaces, with which the new building blocks enter into an individual dialogue, determine the morphology. In contrast to this, the semi-public centre forms a public courtyard that, with the floating roof of the community hall, can become a pulsating heart of the housing development. Individually tailored, innovative and needs-oriented forms of housing allow for a variety and mix of uses. This ensures a socially and economically stable and lively estate in the long term. Extra rooms for rent, music, laundry and common rooms are available, which, in addition to the circulation zones such as arcades and exterior staircases, provide spaces for encounters. A crèche, a café and a youth room expand the amenities on the estate level.