The Schütze Areal in District 5 is located close to the Escher-Wyss Square and is, despite its size, only noticed by a few. Travellers stay in summer, but at the same time the “urban wasteland” is an outdoor space for locals. In the future, Schütze Areal is to be a central meeting point in the district, but for this to happen, the site needs to be restructured and enhanced with attractive offers. With the concentration of the building volume at the eastern site boundary, a park area of maximum size is created, which joins the sequence of recreational areas typical of the area—such as Josefswiese, Turbinenplatz or the (…) Pfingstweidpark. At the same time, a heterogeneous courtyard with parking spaces, delivery zone, and work area will be laid out in the closed off block perimeter development.